ryan hall

Continuing the Journey

April 13, 2018

When I retired from professional running 2 1/2 years ago I thought that was the end of my journey of pursuing big, dreamer-size goals in running. There were a lot of dreams I had for my running, some of which I was able to experience and some of which I wasn’t, as is the case for all those who dare to dream big. However, recently I’ve come to the realization that my journey is not over. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not planning a comeback, but I am planning to continue on the road of attempting to bring breakthrough to the sport of running.

After being a few years removed I’ve begun to do some coaching, beginning with coaching Sara, my girls, and some online clients. I’ve really enjoyed helping others accomplish personal bests and the process of pursuing their big dreams. Running has been my craft for my 20 year running career and I’ve had the pleasure to run under some of the best coaches in the world, carefully learning from them. I was able to make their ceiling my floor to build from as a result of all they invested in me. I am deeply grateful for how my coaches helped me on my journey. Now, I want to make my ceiling my athletes’ floor so they can learn from the good and bad from my running career and go after big goals.

Recently, Sara and I made the decision to move back to Flagstaff, AZ where she will continue to pursue her goals as a professional runner and where I will be starting a pro training group. My vision for the group is simply to be bold in racing and go all-in on training to go after big dreams. I want to coach my athletes to run far faster than I ever ran at distances from 1500 meters to the marathon.

I have had the privilege of training and living at various high altitude training locations and have found Flagstaff to be the best all-around option. It is already widely used amongst professional runners for this reason. It has everything professional runners need to develop to their full potential.

If you are a big dreamer and are interested in joining a like-minded group you can contact me directly at ryanhallcoaching@gmail.com.

(The team is open to athletes who have qualified for a USATF Track Championship, been an All-American in college, or have achieved the Olympic B standard in the marathon and have a way to financially support themselves)


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  • Reply Michael Bailey April 13, 2018 at 11:34 am


    This is awesome and I am super excited for you. I know your knowledge, experience and skills will continue to help propel the sport of running.

    Would you consider coaching an ultra runner (50k-100 mile)? If so, I would certainly love the opportunity to work with you.

    Best regards,

  • Reply Jesse April 13, 2018 at 9:27 pm

    This will be excellent for the sport. Keep inspiring and motivating

  • Reply Mark Ramirez April 14, 2018 at 2:03 pm

    I’m super excited for this new chapter in your lives. Your knowledge from experience and the renowned coaches you have associated with is clearly evident in the progress Sara has made. I’ve watched her perform at Stanford and at the trials leading up to the marathon. You’ve helped her put all the pieces in place for Boston. Cardio, strength and metabolic systems are all in harmony.
    Flagstaff is perfect for your family.
    God Bless you!
    P.s. gonna try those enchiladas this weekend

  • Reply john mcinerney April 15, 2018 at 8:14 pm

    Love that you are still chasing your dreams. There remains a huge need for similar groups as this as well as groups catering to slightly lesser performing athletes. Too many sub 30 minute 10K, sub 14 min 5K, sub 8:50 steeplers, and sub 3:45 1500 kids who are 21 or 22 years old with no really great post collegiate training options. Best of luck & God Bless.

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